Reflections from a CEO – SEO Scholars: The Day They Seized the Opportunity
by William Goodloe, President & CEO, SEO

March is an exciting month for the SEO team as we welcome more than 250 New York City public school ninth-graders and their families to SEO’s annual Scholars Orientation, and they begin their eight-year journey through the program. These students come from across NYC and are seizing the opportunity to change their life trajectory through our SEO Scholars program.
These young people have pledged to invest in their success by attending 720+ hours of SEO classes on weekends, summer, and after school— while still attending their high schools. SEO has proven that with rigorous supplemental academic classes and advising, underserved public school students can be prepared to excel at America’s top colleges and universities. America’s economic future depends on ensuring that students from all walks of life get the education they need to make a substantial contribution to our society.
SEO will be by their side every step of the way, ensuring they graduate high school, participate in enrichment programs, work with mentors, attend the colleges of their dreams, secure summer internships, and obtain college degrees.
SEO Scholars is creating a more equitable society for those who are underserved and marginalized with 90% of SEO Scholars graduating college! That’s compared to only a 20% graduation rate for low-income college students, and a 60% graduation rate for all college students.
SEO is a life-changing experience for students and their families, providing solid pathways to higher education and economic security. Our Scholars need your support throughout their journey from high school through college graduation. To donate, click here, and to learn more about SEO, click here.
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