SEO Scholars sets the standard for academics, mentorship, peer-to-peer support, and provides a lifelong network

SEO Scholars closes the academic and opportunity gaps for motivated public high school students. Our free, eight-year program successfully educates and mentors students in New York City, San Francisco, North Carolina, and Miami to and through college – with an 85% college graduation rate.

We propel human potential by identifying and admitting students who aim for a college degree, a fulfilling professional career, and a brighter future.

We ensure students succeed by providing a rigorous academic foundation as part of our comprehensive college access, persistence, and success program.

In high school, SEO Scholars receive 700+ hours of additional ELA and math instruction to close the academic and opportunity gap and graduate high school with the skills necessary to tackle college with confidence. Year after year, our Scholars match or exceed the national average SAT scores of all college-bound seniors.

But it doesn’t end there.

In their senior year of high school, we assist our Scholars with the college application and financial aid process, providing individualized support so that each student finds their perfect fit. The NYC High School Class of 2023 was awarded more than $4.1 million in financial aid and grants for their first year of college alone.

As they move through college, we continue to provide academic advising, one-on-one psychosocial support, and personalized career development, so that our Scholars meet their academic and professional goals and succeed in life. As a result, our Scholars graduate from college ready to enter the working world or pursue higher education.


acceptance rate at four-year colleges

"I applied to SEO Scholars because I believed they could help me realize my dreams.

For three and a half years, I gave up my Saturdays, my after school time, and my summers for SEO. In return, I got into college with a full ride."
- Keldwin T., Skidmore College Class of 2017

We Believe That:

  • Education can break the cycle of poverty that has entrapped so many Americans
  • With rigorous, out-of-school-time academic support and advising, public school students can attend and excel at America’s top schools, despite their economic circumstances
  • America’s economic future depends on ensuring that students from all walks of life get the education they need to make a substantial contribution to our society